Let's get inspired...
Let's get inspired...

At the end of coaching conversations with my clients, I always ask them what they want to acknowledge or celebrate about themselves. During these sessions, a client does a lot of introspection and that’s serious hard work.
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Are you your own personal leader? If you asked me that question a few years ago, I would have wanted to answer an enthusiastic “yes” to that question. But the truth is, I was definitely far from leading my own life. I had always felt that things just happened to me and that chance was always a greater force that controlled and led me.

One of my favorite coaching sessions happens when a client tells me that they feel like there is something wrong. They are bothered about an area of their life (career, love, home), but can’t pinpoint exactly why. All they know is that they feel an uncomfortable emotion.
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When I first learned about the idea of coaching, I was very certain that it wasn’t for me. I’m not a person who likes to talk about what I’m going through. In fact, I never felt the need to open up to anyone because I’ve always been certain that I can figure things out on my own. Are you the same way?
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